Television/Video | Western National Insurance ( 7 of 27 )
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Western National Insurance
:30 'Worry Wart' TV Commercial

Western National Insurance Group is a private mutual insurer with headquarters in Minneapolis. They have over 100 years of experience serving policyholders’ property and casualty insurance needs.
Our agency had previously partnered with Western National to produce the “Night Owls” and “Yup” commercials, so it was wonderful when the client contacted us again to produce two more commercials to promote their personal and business lines.
MJ Kretsinger presented eight unique creative storyboards for the client, and one idea really stood out – “When you choose Western National Insurance, you have to find something else to worry about”. For the previous two commercials, the client chose to produce one humorous concept (i.e. “Night Owls”), and one cute concept – “Yup” to see which would perform better and be more memorable. Both commercials were successful, however our target audience definitely appreciated the humor of Night Owls more, so in this go around they choose to have us produce two humorous commercials named “Worried Boss” and “Worry Wart”.
The campaign is currently running in the Twin Cities and various other areas in the region. Both spots have been very well received in the marketplace and awareness of Western National insurance continues to increase.
Click to view the second “Worried Boss” Commercial.
Advertising, Campaign Creative, Photography, Storyboard, Television Production